
I’d like to share the story of my piece, “Loving in the Rain”.

I’d tried my hand at composing many times before, but something just didn’t quite click. As a classically-trained pianist, I was always hyper critical of my composing and improvising, and never quite hit the sweet spot of inspiration.

Then I met my husband. Emotions were riding high and constantly on my mind; a few weeks after we met, music started playing in my head. The urge to get to the piano to play it and hear it in reality was weirdly strong. Loving in the Rain came together in a strange burst of unfamiliar creative energy in just a few sessions at the piano.

That was about two and a half years ago. It was a year later before my second piece, “Redemption” felt like it came out of the ether in the same way.

Pop over to my ‘Music’ page to listen to Loving in the Rain.

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